Just jump to Troubleshooting or contact anyone with the RD Editor Helper role on the 7th Beat Games' official Discord server, Rhythm Doctor Lounge. Once you've done that, you've done it! You've made a custom character! If it comes out looking glitched or messed up, don't worry - everybody messes up sometimes.
#Rhythm doctor level 1 broken download
If you want to see a preview of your sprite and your animation, click the yellow play button on the right of each expression! Other than that, once you're done click on the Export + Download JSON button, save the file in the same place as your spritesheet, and import your custom character by going into the Level Editor, going into the blue Rows tab, adding a new row, and clicking on the folder button next to the character dropdown box! With that out of the way, you're on the last few steps of making your first custom character! There's not much that I can do to help you here - it's all up to you now. The "barely" and "missed" expressions play when the player makes a small or big mistake, respectively. The "happy" expression is what plays when the player hits a beat properly on the character's row.

Now that we know these things, we can get to filling in the different slots in an expression! The "neutral" expression is what plays when the character isn't reacting to a hit or a miss - it's their idle, waiting state. If the loop on beat option isn't selected, having 0 FPS will mess up the animation. This makes it so that sprites advance to the next frame on every quarter beat but this will only work with the Loop on beat option selected. This is because computers commonly use zero as the first digit - so if you want to use your first frame, second frame, third frame, and fourth frame in that order, it would go into the frame input box as "0, 1, 2, 3".Īnother thing is that there exists a such thing as 0 FPS, or 0 frames per second, in the game. Before we get into those, you need to know a few things.įrames are zero-indexed, which means that the first frame on the spritesheet is actually the 0th frame. Now we can move on to the final part of the JSON and character creation - the expressions! Below the Frame Size input should be the Clips section, with four pre-made and non-deletable slots: neutral, happy, barely, and missed. json file! It needs to be the same name as your spritesheet! Also, pay attention to the red text - this will be the name of your.