Kore refers to something close to the speaker sore refers to something close to the person youre. Georgantas said, "This MoU is the result of our common desire to develop awareness of and promote IHL in Korea. kore, sore, are, dore ( Genki I Chapter 2). We hope this agreement will help the ICRC fulfill its mandate of promoting IHL along with helping us accomplish our educational mission." OH said, "On behalf of the Ewha Womans University Law School, we'd like to express our profound gratitude to the ICRC for its cooperation." He added, "Our goal is to foster female legal experts who have both the expertise and the morality to meet the demands of our world head-on. Georgios Georgantas, head of the ICRC's mission in the Republic of Korea, and Chong Kun OH, the dean of Ewha Womans University Law School, signed the agreement on the university campus in the Korean capital on 14 March.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Ewha Womans University Law School have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen their cooperation in the area of international humanitarian law (IHL) promotion in the Republic of Korea. OF THE TRILATERAL COOPERATION SECRETARIAT AMONG THE GOVERNMENTS OF JAPAN, THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA AND THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA. Georgios Georgantas, head of the ICRC’s mission in the Republic of Korea, and Chong Kun OH, dean of Ewha Law School, sign an MoU to strengthen the cooperation in promoting IHL.